March 16, 2025

Become a Fundraising Ambassador!

Become a Fundraising Ambassador

Raising money for good causes is becoming ever more difficult as the economic situation worsens, so we are on the lookout for enthusiastic, organized and dedicated volunteers who would like to become Fundraising Ambassadors to spread the word about the work of Ssamba Foundation and raise some much-needed funds for our projects in Uganda by organizing small social events amongst their friends.

We will support your fundraising efforts by providing lots of ideas about the things you might do, and feedback about the impact your efforts have made on the lives of people in Uganda. There are many ways to get involved with Ssamba Foundation without leaving your home country. Our office would love your help becoming our Fundraising Ambassador.


With the increasing discontent, with giving blind to a charity with little knowledge of where your donation goes. Ssamba Foundation is able to offer a way to ensure your money ends up where intended. You choose your project and visit it to ensure your money has been spent the way you wanted. Through limited red tape and administration costs your money in full goes to the people who need it.


  1. Contact a Ssamba Foundation team in Uganda and choose a suitable project e.g. (Borehole building, Furniture, Piggery, Chicken, disabled children etc.)
  2. Finalize your donation budget and intended project. Send the funds and arrange a field trip to review the success.
  3. Travel to Uganda and see what difference you have made by staying with the people you have helped. (You can combine your field trip with a holiday too).
  4. Donate to a project of your choice
  5. Help us to make a difference

Become a Fundraising Ambassador in simple steps

Become a Fundraising Ambassador

Key things you could do:

  • Plan, organize and deliver fundraising events to raise vital funds for our work
  • Gather a team of volunteers to help you with your events and encourage them to put on their own events
  • Build relationships with churches, schools, community groups, businesses and individuals in your area to fundraise and raise awareness about our work
  • Engage in other existing community events to promote Ssamba Foundation
  • Sell Christmas cards and other gift cards on a sale or return basis
  • Encourage people to sign up for our mailing list

If you are interested in joining our team, please get in touch!

Become a Fundraising Ambassador

Joining our Fundraising Ambassadors team is a fantastic way to help make a real and lasting difference in the lives of some of the poorest people in the world. Every little bit helps, so please get in touch at and tell us what you would like to do. We’re here to support you as you support us!

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