March 15, 2025

Clean Water Program

the water project

The clean water program supports many rural areas of Uganda that don’t have access to pure safe clean water. Many vulnerable people die of water borne diseases like Bilharzias, Typhoid, and other water bone related diseases. 

To enhance access to safe water supply and hygienic sanitation across the vulnerable rural areas of Mukono District, the Ssamba Foundation through the clean water program has invested in the construction of community boreholes, spring wells, hand-washing stands, rain water harvesting tanks, household and school latrines.

the water project

Since 2012, over 69,134 people in rural areas across Uganda have been provided with access to improved water sources under the clean water program. In response to the water and sanitation crisis in rural areas, since 2012, the Ssamba Foundation has supported vulnerable rural communities of Mukono district to improve safe water availability.

the water project

Ssamba Foundation is working to provide an improved supply of clean drinking water for the local people by constructing protected boreholes, spring wells, rain water harvesting tanks while implementing hygiene measures to reduce the spread of sickness.

Rural communities located in Mukono District and those who have no access to safe clean water are the main beneficiaries from the project. Increasing the quantity of water allows for better hygiene practices. Raising the quality of drinking water reduces the ingestion of pathogens. With less disease, children can eat and absorb more food, thereby improving their nutritional status.

the water project

The existing water places in many villages are in very poor condition. They are fed by ground water but without a confinement; groundwater mixes with surface flow that is contaminated by excreta from cattle, sheep and chicken that graze in the surrounding. The poor water quality leads to frequent diarrhea diseases that can be life-threatening especially for children.

Also, a healthier adult population is a more productive population, and improvements in water and sanitation can improve income and the capacity to acquire food. Other benefits associated with better water delivery include time savings for primary caregivers, which can result in the preparation of more or better food for children.

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