Partners and Collaborators! Ssamba Foundation partners with NGOs, schools, organizations and companies both in Uganda and overseas. We partner in different ways with each group, but it’s always with the same vision: improving the lives of our vulnerable rural communities.
Ssamba Foundation collaborates with local, national and international partners in order to bring about sustainable improvements of life in Mukono District of Uganda and other districts in which it works. Ssamba Foundation aims to improve the living conditions for the rural poor regardless of their faith, origin or gender.
Partnership provides programming, networking, and mentorship opportunities for Ssamba Foundation and its beneficiaries. Strong partnerships are fundamental to the way we work. Below is the list of our development partners and collaborators..
Our Local Partners:
- Local Schools,
- Rotary Clubs
- NGOS/CBOs, Local Government
International Partners:
- Volunteer Agencies
- Colleges or Universities
- Grant Making Organizations
- Businesses (CSR)