This education program provides direct sponsorship to orphans and vulnerable children by giving them school fees and scholastic materials, school uniforms and medical care. Our program caters for both school going children and those that have dropped out of school who we put into our vocational training supporting project.
The first group of children are educated through nursery (kindergarten/pre-primary) up to high school and the second group of children is taken through vocational training. By providing vocational training to our second group of children, it is because by the time Ssamba Foundation takes them on, they have missed most of their pre-primary and secondary education.
Therefore, in order for them to acquire some skills that will take them through life without them going back to pre-primary or primary because they have overgrown for those particular classes, we train them practical skills like Tailoring, Hairdressing, Crafts making, Bricklaying, Joinery and Motor Mechanics. These skills will help them to set up their own small businesses to develop an income for self-sustainability.
Child Sponsorship
The best way you can change a child’s life is to educate and encourage them to become who they want to become. A monthly sponsorship pledge of $30.00 or more will enable one child to receive: Education, Counselling and Career Guidance, Scholastic Materials, School Uniforms, Medical Care, and a Meal (porridge at breaktime and food at lunch time) at School.
Secondary School construction
We are building a secondary school to cater for children from poor backgrounds, especially girl-child who are dropping out of school due to various reasons. like teenage pregnancies, lack of school fees etc.