Free Medical Camp in Nakisunga Subcounty, Mukono
Our communities are faced with many communicable and non- communicable diseases yet still very few people have access to primary health care. Some depend on over-the-counter medications to ease their pain and others on local herbs without being properly diagnosed.
With this background, Ssamba Foundation together with the Rotary Club of Mukono Central did a needs assessment in Nakisunga Subcounty and discovered that providing a medical camp would be very beneficial to the people of this community.
On the 7th of October 2023, a one-day medical Camp was successfully organized at Seeta Nazigo Health center III. Over one thousand people came from the neighboring villages surrounding the health facility to receive free treatment. These included the elderly, pregnant women, children, youths and men.
The medical camp provided free health care services to the community that ranged from dental health, Diabetes, Cancer screening, Nutrition, safe male circumcision, Family Planning, Ear, Eye, Mouth and Throat screenings as well as General Health checkups. These services were offered by a group of medical experts both Kampala and Mukono.
Nutrition is usually neglected by parents leading to nutrient deficiencies especially amongst children. Noah’s Ark Children’s Ministries together with Nama Wellness offered nutrition advice to expectant mothers and free supplements to children and breast-feeding mothers.
Family planning services were offered by Marie Stopes Uganda to women. They also provided guidance on how to select the best method to use, how to use the different methods, advantages and disadvantages. They encouraged pregnant mothers to always test for HIV, STI and urinary infections as they can cause harm to their unborn babies.
The major highlight of the free medical camp was the ground breaking for a Maternity waiting shelter which will be constructed at the maternity ward done by the President of the Rotary Club of Mukono Central, Rtn. Kafeero Moses, together with the President of the Rotary Club of Kampala West, the District health Officer, Nakisunga subcounty Chairman Mubarak Sekikubo, the hospital administrator and the Director Service Projects at Rotary Club of Mukono Central Rtn. Isaac Ssamba who is also our CEO.
The Mukono District Health Officer, Dr. Stephen Mulindwa was present and he thanked the Rotarians saying that, “…the waiting facility comes at the right time, mothers have been waiting from an open space under the direct sun or from the verandah which could not accommodate them all…”
Many people left the free medical camp happy and thankful since those that were diagnosed with illnesses like malaria, typhoid, or needed deworming among others were given prescribed medication. Those that had tooth issues had them removed at consent and medication for oral hygiene given to them.